Fluorosis is a cosmetic problem in which chalk-like discoloration with white spots or lines appear on tooth surface.
In case of mild Fluorosis it will appear as tiny white specks or streaks on teeth which is often unnoticeable. Whereas in severe cases, the teeth are discolored and color changes to yellow or brown markings. In extreme forms, fluorosis may result in a pitted/rough tooth surface.
Causes: Fluorosis occurs in early childhood during teeth development, however is visible only after teeth have erupted. As Fluorosis effects teeth that are still to erupt, erupted teeth are mostly not at risk of dental fluorosis.
So what causes fluorosis in children?
The most widely found reason is heavily fluoridated drinking water resulting in high fluoride content in the body. Other sources of excessive fluoride can be due to fluoride pollution (Inhalation of fluoride dust and fumes), fluoride supplements and consumption of fluoridated toothpaste. Some children end up swallowing toothpaste because of its taste.
Treatment: Fluorosis is irreversible and the discoloration is permanent. However, aesthetic treatment options are available that vastly improve teeth appearance.
Please feel free to visit our clinic to find out the best possible line of treatment for you